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Meaning of Yoga for me...

Yoga term is derived from Sanskrit root "yuj" which means 'to join'. But very few know that it is an Indian Orthodox philosophical system among 5 others(namely- Samkhya, Nyaya, Vaisheshik, Purva Mimansa and Vedant)

The major text of Yoga philosophy i.e., 'Patanjali Yoga Sutra' describes it as "a state where all the mental modifications cease to exist".

What Yoga means to me is "FREEDOM". Freedom of being able to express myself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It could mean anything to others like for  some it might be how flexible they are, while for others it might be how they can connect to spirituality and for some it might mean peace, etc etc.

I believe for each person Yoga has different meaning. As no two people have same mind or body, likewise how can Yoga be similar to each one of us.

We need to find out what Yoga means to us ourselves. Just listen to yourself and you'll get the answer.


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